2015年8月25日 星期二
Tapping screw
Below is a list of common tapping screw user’s complaints to screw suppliers:
1. The screws strip out.
2. The screws will not seat in the application.
3. The screw break during installation.
4. The screw cause excessive driver bit usage.
Many times a thorough review of the screws reveals that they conform to all of their applicable requirements. The only logical conclusion to reach then is that the user is somehow unintentionally using the tapping screws inappropriately. After the screw supplier determines his screws are not the root cause of the user’s assembly problem he must work with the user to help determine what the root cause of the problem is. One of the most common assembly mistakes made by tapping screw users is inappropriate hole size selection. Extensive tapping screw hole size guidance is given in Appendix B of the American Society of American Engineers standard for tapping screws, ASME B18.6.4. This document contains recommended hole sizes for the use of all of the standard types of inch tapping screws from #2 through 3/8 inch in a variety of materials having a range of thicknesses from 0.018 through 0.500 inches. I will not reproduce the entire Appendix B in this article but I will provide excerpts to illustrate what information it does contain:
2015年8月22日 星期六
Laser Cutting Basics
With very little set up time, no tooling and the advent of CAD to CAM production, lasers are often
utilized in prototyping and production parts. Well suited for intricate details and irregular contours,
additional economies can be obtained through the nesting of parts when laser cutting.
Press Brake forming Basics
2015年8月17日 星期一
*Footprint Graphics* or *Land Patterns*?
each CAD system developer picked their own names for what you are referring to; footprints, geometries, land patterns, cells, etc. but moving forward into the future we (the IPC) have found it useful to refer to them as "land patterns" and use the name "footprint" in a different way. You can think of a footprint as what you would see if you picked up a component and pushed it into sand or clay, the imprint it leaves would be its footprint, which is its actual physical size. The land pattern on the other hand describes the size of the pads needed to solder the leads to the board, which have wildly differing dimensions depending on what you are trying to do (wave soldering, reflow, high-density, etc.). So for a given part it will have one footprint but maybe several land patterns.
And, for the record, even though many of us are trying to use standard terminology, MANY are NOT, so you will still hear people talk about footprints as the pattern you see on a circuit board, probably forever!
And, for the record, even though many of us are trying to use standard terminology, MANY are NOT, so you will still hear people talk about footprints as the pattern you see on a circuit board, probably forever!
2015年8月11日 星期二
Aluminum alloy 5052 / 6061
3003 is the most formable of the alloys mentioned. it's used lots for sheet metal interiors, tanks etc. min bend radii of 1t and (in the UK) cheaper than 5052. 5052 has better mechanical properties but is not quite as formable- more suitable for light duty brackets but can be used just as 3003
normal tempers are 3003-H14 and 5052-H32. if you need to do any complex forming (say, hammerforming compound curves) either can be annealed by coating the area (to be shaped) with soot from an acetylene flame and then heating until the soot burns off. after shaping you'll be back to about half hard (H14) condition.
FWIW 6061 can be bent successfully provided a suitably large radius is used- aim for 3t.
321 is the best stainless alloy to use for exhaust headers, it's less prone to cracking at high temperatures than 304. having said that 304 seems to hold up OK in normally aspirated applications. i've heard some comments that 304 is not up the job (and seen/repaired some cracked 304 headers) but personally i think it's down to poor fabrication techniques
2015年8月10日 星期一
2015年8月9日 星期日
Injection Molding: Troubleshooting
Approach to Troubleshooting
Proper troubleshooting should use a systematic approach to resolve problems. There are two kinds of issues: those involving "quality control" and those encountered during startup.
"Quality control" issues occur when parts have been successfully produced in the past, but are now out of specification. These problems are the result of something in the process changing.
To resolve them, one must determine what has changed and restore the process to its proper balance. Startup problems occur during the launch of a new tool or machine.
Quality Control Issues
Most quality control issues are caused by process conditions, the material, or machine and tool maintenance. If the problem occurred after a change in the material lot number, try a different lot of material. It is advisable to store a retain of the previous lot of material.
If the mold setting is from a previously successful part, check the original setup conditions. If the mold is used in a different machine, minor adjustments to account for the new machine may be needed. If the mold was modified during its downtime, process adjustments may be required.
Startup Issues
To resolve startup problems, the material's process window must first be determined to ensure that there is a set of conditions that can make good parts.
Start by setting the process conditions to the middle of the material's process range and then adjust the process to fix any observed problems. If successful parts are not possible, determine what combination of variables must be changed to resolve the problems. These changes may include material selection, machine selection, and/or tool redesign.
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